The emergence of a Hindu child at the age of 6 years his strange features Daguetan eyes and a very wide front, a similar specification, according to their claim to a Hindu gods. The little boy was born unable to walk one of the Indian states, a state, "Punjab"
As shown by the medical and birth defects, doctors and specialists could not be specified, which made the people of the village and those around him refer to him as "god," and they began to get close to him.
Herkulais is a huge animal hybrid of lion and tiger, weighs 922 pounds and a length of 131 inches. This animal does not exist in the woods, be larger than the parents twice .. The Bigger and fearsome cat.
Who knows what are the organisms that live in the deep darkness of the sea? We know only a very small percentage of the world's species. 86% of all life forms known in the world, especially in the ocean, is still unknown for us. Species unknown or scary monsters, no one has been able to explain this strange marine monsters that have been washing ashore worldwide.
This past year, the monster appeared in one of Russia's Beach. While this may be a very normal animal, we do not know. It is twice the size of a man, with what looks like the fur on his tail. People are arguing about whether this is a whale, squid, People Who's in that place they said, we do not really know what is this animal and we are unable to find out.